Pointless Debates: Google vs Bing

January 27, 2021/Pointless Debates

Once more from the Envelopes of Doom comes a topic that is perhaps not so pointless to Eric (the professional SEO guy): Google vs Bing.

Read The Podcast: Pointless Debates: Google vs Bing

Listen to hear the Hersey brothers hash out:

  • Google is everywhere – good or bad?
  • Difference between a browser and a search engine.
  • Which is the better engine for searches?
  • Is being the “biggest” make you the “best”?
  • Is there something to be said for sticking with “the little guy”?
  • What is Bing Rewards and why does Eric know all about it…

Give a listen and give YOUR opinion on Twitter @CastTod!

Podcast Show Notes, References, and Links

If you want to learn more about Bing Rewards, check out Microsoft’s Reward Website.

This marks the ninth Pointless Debate. Be sure to check others out and voice your opinion.

Listen to Pointless Debates: Google vs Bing

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