Tag: Rock

9 Posts Here

Bad Company: Music Ranked!

October 14, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

When it comes to classic rock, you really can’t get more “classic rock” than Bad…

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Music Ranked! Bon Jovi

September 16, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

The Hersey boys grow out their hair and party like it’s the mid-80’s in this…

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Music Ranked! Elton John

September 2, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

Todd and Eric discuss memories both joyous and horrific regarding the Muppet show as their…

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Elton John Music Ranked The Todcast

Music Ranked! Phil Collins

August 19, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

Todd and Eric return to Eric’s original list to discuss Phil Collins. Possibly best known…

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Music Ranked! The Moody Blues

May 27, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

Coming in at number six on Eric’s original list in 2007, the Hersey brothers discuss…

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Music Ranked! The Electric Light Orchestra

May 6, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

Occupying the original #5 slot on Eric’s rankings, Todd and Eric discuss the ever amazing…

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Boston (The Band): Music Ranked!

April 8, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

We reach the number four slot on Eric’s list: the band Boston (not the geographic…

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Music Ranked! Journey (The Band)

February 12, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

We continue the series with Eric’s current number two on his list: the band Journey.…

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Music Ranked! The Beatles

January 22, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

ric talks about his number one band: The Beatles, whom Todd (surprisingly) only truly discovered…

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