The Hersey Hobby Wagon: Kenner Star Wars Action Figures

June 23, 2021/T&E
Kenner Star Wars Action Figures

The Hersey boys dig in to the back of their father’s ancient station wagon and unearth some of their most cherished toys (and memories).  Listen as they discuss:

  • When and how they got their first little guys
  • A brief history of the figures and their impact on the toy world
  • What a terrible idea it would be for either of them to decide to collect their pasts
  • The eventual fate of the figures (prior to their miraculous reemergence in the Hobby Wagon)

Podcast Show Notes, References, and Links

If you would like more vintage toy talk or Star Wars, check out more Hobby Wagons and Spoiling Star Wars.

Listen to The Hersey Hobby Wagon: Kenner Star Wars Action Figures

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