The League of Nothing (with John Wyatt Edgar)

June 22, 2020/Guest
League of Nothing

Eric brings along a special guest:  John Wyatt Edgar (of Dubpoints fame) to explain his latest competition, The League of Nothing.  He tells us what it is, how it works, and how to join in on the fun! 

Read The Podcast: The League of Nothing (with John Wyatt Edgar)

John Wyatt Edgar joined Todd and Eric to discuss his latest creation – League of Nothing. You can listen to the three chat about the upcoming rules ~ but not matter how hyped you are about the contest, it will probably pale in comparission to the chaos created by DubPoints.

What is DubPoints?

There were plenty of documents online in the past explaining what DubPoints was (or is). Over the years, John Wyatt Edgar has shifted around his website content. Deleting domains or previous pages might have been an attempt to erase the history of DubPoints – or more likely – a failure to care about the archives.

Dubpoints has been called the Ohio Valley’s Dumbest Contest – by John Edgar’s own Twitter bio. John Edgar gathered a group of his friends (or people he knew online) and put them in a fictional contest, awarding points based on interactions with him. The scoring remained secret and often was subjective. In the early stages, the contest was a free-for-all with the winner being the person with the highest score at the end of the period. In later years, it was a single-elimination tournament.

The Chaos and Controversy

DubPoints IX was the start of controversy. Prior to – the contest was less competitive and played in the background. The inclusion of social media – mostly Facebook – spawned many participants to become very active. Videos and MEMEs would soon be posted throughout the day on John Edgar’s Facebook wall. The constant flow of activity turned heads and engaged many onlookers.

Throughout the next few years, DubPoints grew into an annual (semi-annual) event. Most of the tournaments sparked controversy – including several relationships being ended and others involving the local authorities. Things got crazy.

The End (or Fall) of DubPoints

Even after hearts were broken and cops were called, DubPoints continue on. There were some abrupt endings to the tournaments – but they always managed to restart in some fashion. Our very own Eric earned himself several DubPoints championships – hence why John was discussed in Episode 43 (and why the League of Nothing episode exists).

In the end, it was best for JW to move on and create something else. Something less competitive but equally entertaining.

The League of Nothing was born.

Podcast Show Notes, References, and Links

Episode 43 of the TodCast PodCast discussed DubPoints – another creation of John Wyatt Edgar.

This episode has done nothing since June 22, 2020.

For more info, head to and

Listen to The League of Nothing (with John Wyatt Edgar)

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