Music Ranked! Pink Floyd

June 24, 2020/Music Ranked

We are of the opinion that Pink Floyd, while awesome overall, are really more or less three different bands:  the early years (with Syd Barrett), the “middle” years (with Roger Waters), and the later years (with David Gilmour at the helm).  We like all three and talk about the band, their albums and songs, and their legacy.

Read The Podcast: Music Ranked! Pink Floyd

It’s no surprise that both Hersey boys like Pink Floyd. It’s also no surprise that they link different variations of the band.

Syd Barrett and Early Pink Floyd

Before Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall, there was Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd. The original name of the band was The Tea Set and later named Pink Floyd after bluesmen Pink Anderson and Floyd Council. Early albums by Syd and Pink Floyd were very psychedelic – much like you would picture from drug propaganda films.

Eric Hersey at a rest stop in Florida - wearing Pink Floyd shirt
The face Eric made when listening to a lot of the early Pink Floyd albums.

Todd didn’t hate early Pink Floyd. Eric was not a fan.

Roger Waters Dark Pink Floyd

Todd and Eric discuss when the transformation happened to the Pink Floyd we think of today. The album Meddle was the compromise. Regardless of the actual album or turning point, Roger Waters was the face of this Pink Floyd. Eric is not a fan of the man, but loves the music. Todd and Eric both share their love for albums like The Wall, Dark Side of the Moon, and Animals.

Todd Hersey excited to show you his Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Album
The face Todd made when listening to almost all of Pink Floyd’s work.

Both Todd and Eric love this iteration of the band.

The David Gilmour Show

Once Roger Waters left, David Gilmour took over with the sound and transformed the band. This version of Pink Floyd is what Eric remembers their father Bill listening to on CD. The Division Bell and A Momentary Lapse of Reason are hidden gems in the Pink Floyd discography.

Eric loves David Gimour Pink Floyd and Todd is okay with it.

Apple Rage with Eric

Eric goes on a little bit of a rant when he realizes that the newest version of Apple Music (iTunes on his Mac) was upgraded and changed the format. The forums were all furious – just like Eric – on the change.

The Apple Music version is and he found a list of issues and/or bugs. Eric’s biggest problem is he can no longer use the search feature to display only songs of the group and still have this in a sortable table. The album artwork is also not available if you are viewing from the song view. Small problems for some – big problems for Eric.

Podcast Show Notes, References, and Links

Pink Floyd The Wall
Early Photoshop work by Eric Hersey (2001)

Relevant links to the Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz mash-up discussed:

Relevant link to Meddle/Fantasia mash-up discussed:

For more info about Pink Floyd, Eric’s research, and other ranking related content, head on over to the Music Ranked! website.

Listen to Music Ranked! Pink Floyd

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