Moving to the Big City!

July 29, 2020/T&E

Eric has bought a new home for his family in Wheeling, West Virginia.  He discusses the trials of the move with his brother Todd.  Turns out that while Todd has changed locations with some frequency in his past…he’s not done much actual “moving” in the traditional sense.  As such (and as we’ve come to expect) Todd shares what little wisdom he can, even if it is only a very minor geography lesson.

Read The Podcast: Moving to the Big City!

Todd and Eric both have a history of moving. They have completely different experiences. Besides early childhood moves with the whole Hersey family, Eric has participated in several complete house transitions. Todd’s experience is all about traveling light.

The Big City – Wheeling, West Virginia

New Wheeling House
A House in Wheeling

For those who are not familiar with the Ohio Valley and Eric’s home region, you probably don’t get the sarcasm of the show title. Wheeling, West Virginia is in fact the big city in the Upper Ohio Valley, but small compared to most metropolises.

Thanks to our friends at Wikipedia, we know that Wheeling has an estimated population of 28,000 people. The Greater Wheeling area, known to the locals as the Ohio Valley, has a total of 147,000. To compare, Columbus has 900,000 people.

If we really want to talk about The Big City, put together a nice article about the 10 Largest Cities by Population. No surprise that New York City is the top dog. Columbus is #15.

Todd’s Navy Locations (The Game)

Todd Moving around the world
Eric thinks all of these locations are Honduras.

Todd is no stranger to moving. Eric decides to try and guess all of Todd’s naval locations. Do we have any TodCast experts that can name all of the locations? If not, we have a cheat sheet for your.

  • Illinois
  • Missouri
  • Puerto Rico
  • Japan
  • Honduras – Not the same as Puerto Rico
  • Virginia
  • Mississippi

If you want to hear some quality stories on not-so-quality audio, check the TodCast archives for early podcast episodes.

Moving Tips

Eric and Todd discuss possible moving tips. Todd explained how the government moves boxes across the country, but that doesn’t seem to be very helpful for the common man.

  • Label the boxes
  • Do not fill an entire box with heavy books (split them up)
  • All moving companies are not created equal
  • Pack and haul your TVs to avoid extra insurance costs

The process of packing and moving is not fun.

Clearing out the crawl space
Clearing out the crawl space.

Podcast Show Notes, References, and Links

Although this episode was recorded several weeks ago, Todd nailed it on the schedule. Eric is closing on his house – the day after this podcast launched to the world.

Listen to Moving to the Big City!

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