Spoiling Star Wars with Eric: Revenge of the Sith

September 5, 2020/Spoiling Star Wars

At the time of its release, the tagline was “The Saga is Complete”…which we now know not to be the case since they released six more feature films after this one.

Todd and Eric reminisce on their thoughts of the final chapter in the prequel trilogy, recalling both fond memories and personal critiques that they held at the time as well as how those perceptions have changed over time.

Read The Podcast: Spoiling Star Wars with Eric: Revenge of the Sith

The Prequels are finished – but it wasn’t a quick watch. Todd and Eric both sat down and watched the entire Revenge of the Sith, which clocked in at 2 hours and 20 minutes long. This might not be the longest Star Wars film, but the brothers did discuss how it felt like a long film.

Other Films With a Long Run Time

We aren’t going to track the experimental films or movies that no-one has ever heard of. Let’s stick to some of the more popular movies.

Gone with the Wind – 221 Minutes

Gone with the Wind might be a classic – but it’s also a long one.

  • Revenge of the Sith: 140 Minutes
  • Gone with the Wind: 221 Minutes
  • LTROTS: 81 Minutes

The Irishman – 209 Minutes

Martin Scorsese released The Irishman in 2019. This was a pretty big deal, based on its direct release on Neflix. It scored a 96% overall rating on Rotten Tomatoes – but was still a long film.

  • Revenge of the Sith: 140 Minutes
  • The Irishman: 209 Minutes
  • LTROTS: 69 Minutes

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King – 201 Minutes

How about another third film in a franchise? Peter Jackson knew how to make some long movies – and we aren’t even talking about the extended DVD versions.

  • Revenge of the Sith: 140 Minutes
  • The Return of the King: 201 Minutes
  • LTROTS: 61 Minutes

Troll 2 – 95 Minutes

Okay – this film is actually shorter than Revenge of the Sith, but it’s so awful that it feels like an eternity before it ends. If you are not familiar, Troll 2 is often regarded as one of the worst movies ever made.

  • Revenge of the Sith: 140 Minutes
  • Troll 2: 95 Minutes
  • LTROTS: -45 Minutes

Podcast Show Notes, References, and Links

This episode has been falling to the Dark Side since September 5th, 2020.

LTROTS = Longer Than Revenge of the Sith

Listen to Spoiling Star Wars with Eric: Revenge of the Sith

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