Music Ranked! The Beatles

January 22, 2020/Music Ranked

Eric talks about his number one band: The Beatles, whom Todd (surprisingly) only truly discovered in recent years. The Hersey brothers share their thoughts, memories, and some of Eric’s research. 

Read The Podcast: Music Ranked! The Beatles

Todd and Eric start with the iconic band and favorite to many – The Beatles. This is also the very first episode of the Music Ranked! project. Besides giving a basic introduction to the upcoming series, the Hersey boys also discuss:

  • Who is to blame for Todd’s lack of Beatles?
  • When The Beatles changed their style and sound.
  • “They are the original boy band” – Todd Hersey.
  • The song that Eric performed in a talent show.
  • Best Songs and best albums from The Beatles.

Eric and Todd don’t have a loss for words for the #1 band on Eric’s list.

Podcast Show Notes, References, and Links

If you enjoy The Beatles (which should be a large perecent of you) and you would like to learn more about the greatest band ever, head to and you can review their profile and Eric/Todd’s thoughts on the group – in written form.

Listen to Music Ranked! The Beatles

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