Pointless Debates: Shower Edition

February 24, 2021/Pointless Debates

We don’t want to spoil the reveal from the Envelopes of Doom by giving the exact topic here, but let’s just say that Executive Producer Abby (and her sidekick Lilly) really gave us a doozy.

Read The Podcast: Pointless Debates: Shower Edition

Todd and Eric can really talk about anything. But that doesn’t mean they should. In this episode, you can be the judge. Let’s just say:

  • Eric argues for freedom
  • Todd argues for hygiene
  • Both brothers advocate for (or against) certain shower activities

Give a listen and let us know your thoughts on the topic on Twitter @CastTod!

Podcast Show Notes, References, and Links

There are plenty of other Pointless Debates you can listen to in the TodCast archive. If you don’t want to hear about showers, maybe you would like to listen about Hot Dogs or Search Engines.

Listen to Pointless Debates: Shower Edition

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