Spoiling Star Wars with Eric: Attack of the Clones

August 15, 2020/Spoiling Star Wars/0 Comments

Eric and Todd deep-dive into the middle movie of the prequel era and determine that…

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Spoiling Star Wars with Eric - Attack of the Clones
Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture

August 12, 2020/T&E/0 Comments

It seems like almost every time you get on Twitter, someone is getting “cancelled”. Todd…

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Spoiling Star Wars with Eric: The Phantom Menace

August 8, 2020/Spoiling Star Wars/0 Comments

Todd and Eric tackle the fourth film, which is the first in the saga. The…

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Music Ranked! Tool (the band)

August 5, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

Todd and Eric switch it up by turning to the darker (and heavier) side of…

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Pointless Debates: Pop vs Soda

August 1, 2020/Pointless Debates/0 Comments

From the Envelopes of Doom comes the next topic of debate: Pop vs. Soda. What…

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Soda vs. Pop
Moving boxes to Wheeling

Moving to the Big City!

July 29, 2020/T&E/0 Comments

Eric has bought a new home for his family in Wheeling, West Virginia. He discusses…

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Online Learning (with special guest Abby Hersey)

July 25, 2020/Guest/0 Comments

A trio of Herseys converge to discuss online learning resources such as Lynda, LinkedIn, Team…

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Online Training
Music Ranked Chicago

Music Ranked! Chicago (the band)

July 22, 2020/Music Ranked/0 Comments

As much as we both love Illinois, this podcast is not about the city, but…

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Play Doh Life Hacks (or, the Return of the MT Cast)

July 18, 2020/MT Cast/0 Comments

Todd finds notes regarding the Hersey boys’ original podcast team-up idea: the MT Cast (as…

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Snooze Alarms

Snooze Wrestling Shirts

July 15, 2020/T&E/0 Comments

Todd and Eric start their morning “boot up” routine with some conversation about alarm clocks,…

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